Good day and God bless. Pastor Brian here, again sharing information sent out to me by people I trust. It is important to be prepared, because we cannot be sure how all of this will play out.
So much has been coming out in the media these past few months that was considered "conspiracy" not too long ago. But even with all that is coming out now, there are still those that are frustrated or have lost belief and need help to see things are moving in the right direction and headed to a great place. We've got to keep in mind the existing corrupt systems must be dismantled in order for real change to occur and that's a gigantic task that has taken time. Here's a great statement the reflects the times we are in: "To be honest most people just want to be in the results and not in the process, and it's in the process where you realize who deserves to be in the result will appreciate the sacrifice that it took to bask in its outcome. They will be the ones who deserve and understand its rewards." The following is an in-depth reminder from many sources over the past week or so that the process is in full swing. Anyone who takes the time to digest all of it, and not just skim through it, will understand the process in place, the truth is coming out, and the facts are undeniable. The media can tell us all day long that what we are seeing is red, but we KNOW it's green. And that's what they're most afraid of. One thing to keep in the forefront as you go through all of this, is everything evolves around ONE thing - the control of money. That is the common denominator with everything - corruption, politics, elections, human trafficking, drugs, arms, wars, education, science, health care, financial markets, judicial, EVERYTHING. And we are witnessing a shake down of that, a massive shift from "how things have always been", and there will be a fight to the end to preserve what they have put in place that keeps them in control. The good news is, the end is near for them. It seems that the process to dismantle all of this corruption and evil worldwide is running full steam ahead. And that's exciting. But don't be complacent, get prepared for some tough times before things get much better. Food, water, cash, silver, protection, cryptocurrency like XRP and XLM are good things to get together now. Reminder this is compiled from many sources and are shared here directly as they appear in those correspondences. WORLDWIDE UPDATE OF EVENTS: More and more, Covid vaccines are being called out for their damaging effects: The mass awakening has reached critical mass as 70% of Americans agree fake US President Joe Biden’s foreign business dealings, bribery and influence peddling schemes are ‘very serious.’ This means the majority of the people are now close to the truth: They now need to stop being distracted by media puppets like Biden or George Soros so we can target and neutralize the true enemy. That’s why I ask readers to share the following two short videos with friends and family who realize something is wrong but still do not understand what it is. The first is about the Rockefeller family and their evil control of the medical and other industries: The next identifies the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) as the source of the problem but falls short of naming its’ Rothschild/Rockefeller etc. owners: If we do not target the real source of the problem, we will continue flailing about uselessly like angry blind people. Here are some specific names of war criminals who need to be brought to justice: David Rockefeller Jr. Hillary and Bill Clinton Rockefeller, Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller, John Podesta Rockefeller, Klaus Schwab Rothschild and the various other Rothschilds (with the possible exception of Nathaniel who has been cooperating with the liberation alliance), the Dutch Royal family etc. We also need to go after top servants like Victoria Nuland, Eliot Abrams, Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, Larry Fink, Vladimir Zelensky, Alex Soros, Chrystia Freeland, Jens Stoltenberg etc. In just one sign pointing to the extent of their war crimes, “There are probably only 18 million people left in Ukraine at this point, there were originally 34.5 million and if you go back to the 1990’s there were over 80 million people living in that place,” according to Colonel Douglas MacGregor. This is a deliberate and massive genocide of the cabal and Nazi's that reside in Ukraine and their agenda is designed to kill men and enslave women and children for the purpose of torture and slavery. This did not happen during World War II, IT IS HAPPENING NOW and that's what Russian President Putin went in to stop. Any government official expressing support for the government of Ukraine is a war criminal and will be dealt with as such. The people of Ukraine are suffering as the world keeps funding the very people who are holding its citizens captive. This is happening. We can confirm military action against these people is underway. Bio labs have been cleaned up or destroyed, millions of children have been rescued, 1,000's of Nazi's have been killed and Zelensky is losing grip. In a sign that Donald Trump is still Commander in Chief, the fake Joe Biden has suddenly taken a 180 degree turn and sent troops to the Mexican border to stop hundreds of thousands of military-age “illegal immigrants,” trying to enter the country. Corrupt U.S. General Mark Milley who is part of NATO and it's corrupt agenda is nowhere to be found and Blackhawk helicopters converged on Washington D.C. last week. They turned off the weather cameras along the east coast to conceal their movement. There is also a huge secret war being raged inside the United Kingdom now. The Khazarian mafia is trying to use the Satanic coronation of King Charles (it took place six months, six weeks and six days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II) as an excuse to take over control of the quantum financial system. The head of MI6 (appointed by Elizabeth) is having none of this and reports he is “under sustained cyber attack and death threat. I am in nightly contact with Richard Moore at MI6 in London and inside a closed and locked police cordon… someone is feeling the heat after we exerted massive pressure to break up the Rothschild grip on the Western Banking system”. This desperate attack is linked to the imminent bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. This is now expected to take place in June as even Rockefeller slaves like the criminal Janet Yellen admit. They may have just bought a bit of time by selling another 26 million barrels of the Strategic petroleum reserve: but, the writing is on the wall. Yellen warned G7 criminals gathering in Japan this weekend that “a default on US obligations would produce an economic and financial catastrophe.” She is wrong, it would mean a huge increase in wealth for 99% of Americans as the funds stolen by the criminal 0.01% and their servant class 1% are returned to them via a jubilee. Bankruptcy or not, the battle to take these criminals down is raging toward victory. On that front, the House Oversight Committee revealed the nine Biden family members that received wire transfers from foreign nationals via shell companies: 1. Hunter Biden 2. James Biden 3. Sara Biden 4. Hallie Biden 5. Kathleen Biden 6. Melissa Biden 7. Niece/nephew 8. Niece/nephew 9. Grandchild Video from the House of Representatives exposing bank records showing these Biden family members receiving over $10 MILLION: They also issued a legally binding subpoena to the FBI for a key document in the Biden family criminal scheme. The FBI is refusing to comply, meaning special forces will be sent into their headquarters to arrest top officials, Pentagon sources say. In addition to a busy week, Marjorie Taylor Greene files Articles of Impeachment on the Biden administration including the Director of the FBI: There is no question Biden hates America and always has. This is from 2014: The much anticipated Durham report came out Monday, the 300 page document that's been several years in the making completely called out "Russian Collusion" a complete lie. The country was put through hell for years over these allegations and none of them were true: Everyone involved in the Russia Collusion hoax is guilty: The Durham report also found the FBI shut down several criminal investigations into the Clinton's: Kari Lake is still fighting in Arizona, another 3 day court hearing was granted covering the gross misconduct of the Arizona elections 6 months ago: In a sign Trump is back in charge, he was allowed to speak the truth on CNN about the stolen election and many other things. See the videos below for excerpts. In an attempt to share their outrage at having Trump on their network, CNN anchors get scolded by one of their own:, Trump is urging Republican legislators to trigger the first-ever US debt default. As Trump knows, default is needed to trigger the jubilee and the nationalization of the privately owned and corrupt Federal Reserve. In addition to that, there are now 413,220 Grand Jury Sealed Indictments, with California & Texas in the lead. The average number of sealed indictments before Trump & 2016 is 1,500 cases per YEAR. Since each sealed indictment can contain multiple individuals, it looks like the one million or so Satanists in the US have been identified and will soon be sent to internment camps for re-education or punishment. We also note Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vows to finish off the job JFK began, by completely dismantling the CIA if he becomes the next U.S. President. More and more is coming out about the murders of JFK and RFK and the killers are who we have always been told they are: Trump has also promised to release ALL documents relating to the JFK assassination when he becomes President. Polish Prosecutor’s Office for organized crime and corruption is investigating former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeders’ role “in preparing the invasion” of Ukraine, according to Polish intelligence sources. Also, for anyone who knows someone that wants Ukraine to ‘WIN’ the war, ask them why has the United States, not stopped buying uranium from Russia since the war started? According to Polish intelligence, “there are many reasons the world’s elites do not want to give up Ukraine. Not only was it their center of corruption; money laundering, bioweapons labs, human trafficking, etc., it also seems to be a testing ground for Digital ID, a cashless society they want to create everywhere. Does it make sense for a country at war to invest time and money in such technological projects when the population suffers and the country needs rebuilding?” Colonel Douglas MacGregor adds: “We know that Larry Fink at BlackRock and his friends all thought that they were going to cash in big time, buy up everything that was left in Ukraine and exploit the region and the population forever. That’s not going to happen now.” This is the same Larry Fink who says “Behaviors are going to have to change, behaviors have to be Forced and at Blackrock, we are forcing Behaviors.” Blackrock is not alone, sadly more and more corporations have been doing this as they are part of the same corrupt agenda. “We’ll see if he’ll still have the same arrogance when the military alliance force their way into his penthouse office suite and carried him away to the Tribunals,” a CIA source comments. The same for Klaus Schwab’s “great reset” Rothschild who says “Get used to no privacy. You must behave as we tell you to behave, or else.” Klaus Rothschild and his family members are facing arrest because they are on the brink of losing Europe. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is calling for the death penalty to be reinstated because it will be disclosed very soon that there are thousands upon thousands of pedophile child torturers, Mossad sources say, In France, the revolution is still going strong and giving the “police” hell. The French people are pushing back. The French people want out of the EU. They are cutting up the EU flag. In a sign of just how unpopular Macron is, he had to do something no other French president has had to do and seal off downtown Dunkirk so he could visit accompanied by 5 ministers, more than 1500 police officers and generators. Any leader so afraid of his people is doomed.“I wouldn’t give a plugged nickel for Macron in another month, I would be surprised if he is still there,” says Colonel MacGregor. “The British will find a new leader and they will go through governments until the economy collapses,” he adds. “The real question is what happens in Berlin with Sholz who is probably the most uninteresting, unimaginative and unimpressive leader Germany has.” The same can be said about Justin Trudeau in Canada. Now, his Khazarian Mafia handlers have attacked the rebellious Province of Alberta. Here is the latest from the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service about his actions: “Justin Trudeau and his cronies don’t like Alberta because they stand up to him as he wants to push electric cars. Which means he has to destroy the oil and gas industry. People were told to evacuate in some areas. Later went back home only to find their homes LOOTED and the only people guarding the place were the RCMP.” Trudeau and his handlers will be hunted down when the clean-up of the USA is finished, you can count on that. Russia is helping. According to President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, if he is to be tried as a war criminal, then all US presidents who have caused dozens of wars around the world without even having the right to do so should stand in line with him. This could happen soon. We note that the Soviet Union has been de facto re-established as seven out of nine CIS leaders visited Moscow for the traditional Victory Day parade on Red Square on May 9. Only Azerbaijan and Moldova failed to show up. Russia, working together with China and white hats in the West, has now liberated most of the planet. Thailand is the latest country to be liberated. Thailand’s new prime minister is Ms. Paetongtarn Shinawatra, whose father Thaksin and aunt Yingluck were ousted in separate military coups. Shinawatra is a member of the white hat planetary liberation alliance. This means the country is no longer under the control of a heroin-addicted king who is being held hostage by the KM in Europe. Russia and China are also fighting to liberate the Middle East. Russia said on Wednesday a roadmap to normalize ties between Syria and Turkey will be drafted in coordination with the defense ministers and security services of Iran, Russia, Syria and Turkey in Moscow. This has led to a serious fight over Turkey. The Khazarian Mafia tried to keep Turkey under their control by trying to steal last Sunday’s election. They were able to force a run-off by resorting to more earthquake weapons threats as this video they released shows, Mossad sources say. There was also a serious proxy war in Pakistan over the past week. It started when dozens of paramilitary troops pushed former Prime Minister Imran Kkan into a black SUV, while others beat back some of his supporters in a court complex. His supporters then set the National public broadcaster’s building on fire, torched the private residence of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, stormed Election Commission headquarters (where vote-stealing machines were located), ransacked arms stores and basically started a revolution.This led to serious infighting within the army that forced Pakistan’s Supreme Court to declare the former prime minister’s arrest “illegal” and order his immediate release. He was then biometrically tested to confirm it was still the original Khan. Khan was grabbed because he promised to expose Ukrainian nuclear weapons being sold via Pakistan to China, Iran, North Korea and non-state actors. He was also going to expose KM heroin operations, child trafficking and sex trade that has been happening for decades with the Military /police/ government officials/ and ELITES…… After his release Khan said; “The military is above law; the ISI [military intelligence agency] is above law, And if you have anyone above the law, then you descend into the law of the jungle. They can pick up people, detain people, disappear people. They try and influence judges; they clamp down on the media. There’s no accountability for the institution. It’s not democratic.” Japanese diplomats in Pakistan note as background that Pakistan is about to default and go bankrupt along with the US CORPORATION. Given all the criminal actions of the KM-controlled US, it is understandable why Chinese President Xi Jinping still does not want to talk by phone with fake US President Joe Biden. This came after US national security adviser Jake Sullivan became the first Biden official in months to talk to his Chinese counterparts. Our sources tell us he tried to sell US military secrets to the Chinese in exchange for funding for the US CORPORATION but was turned down. The Chinese are fully aware the US is run by two-faced hypocrites. In the latest example, “The US Vice President [Kamala Harris] traveled to Zambia: she landed at a Chinese-built airport, moved on a Chinese-built road, and spoke at a venue that is a gift from China to Zambia. And yet she told the Zambians not to cooperate with China,” notes Akende Mmembe, director of Pan-Africanism Today. What the Chinese need to figure out next is that the UN is also not what they think it is. In the latest example, The World Health Organization and United Nations are sexualizing little children in primary education worldwide, for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia. Meanwhile, judicial organizations media outlets and political parties are calling for the acceptance of pedophilia as a “normal sexual orientation”. In another sign of Western moral decay, it turns out around one-third of scientific articles are “made up or plagiarized,” according to a new paper. That was a lot, but it should be clear that the entire world is shaking and going through a shift and a cleansing. When these corrupt players get to the end of their rope there will be disruption and chaos. People will be shocked when all this comes out. This is why Peter Schweizer told Glenn Beck yesterday, "the investigation into Biden family corruption is about to take a "very interesting turn" after the discovery of Joe Biden's private phone, paid for by Hunter's company Rosemont Seneca while Joe was Vice President." This is also why General Flynn quoted today "This is why I say start with immediate impeachment proceedings against the guy sitting in the Oval Office. What the nation will learn will blow Americans of every stripe away." The recent testing of the Emergency Broadcast system to cell phones in Canada, USA and around the world in recent months hasn't been for weather alerts. There's reason these tests have been conducted. With the possible blackout of the internet and media when all this comes out, the only way communication will get to the people to keep them informed and calm is through the EBS. It would be wise to be prepared for that, along with having your own supplies, forms of communication (satellite phone is a good idea) and source of power for a 2-3 week period. Remember the new system emerges after the storm. BANKING SYSTEM UPDATE: This is a good time to revisit the origins of the current current money system in the U.S. that has been the world reserve currency for almost 80 years: "On the morning of February 23, 1944, US President Franklin Roosevelt sent an important telegram to two of his key allies overseas-- British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. World War II was still raging. And while the allies had seized the upper hand, peace was more than a year away. Surprisingly, though, Roosevelt didn’t write to his allies to discuss the war. He was already thinking about what the world would look like AFTER the war was over… and in the telegram, Roosevelt invited them to participate in a conference on “postwar economic collaboration”. The United States was already the largest and most powerful economy in the world. America was the only major power that hadn’t been devastated by war. And, most importantly, the US was so RICH that they were the world’s primary creditor. Britain, in fact, was heavily in debt to the United States… and at the time was actually negotiating to borrow even more money. So Churchill couldn’t exactly refuse Roosevelt’s invitation. 44 allied nations ultimately attended what would become known as the Bretton Woods Conference that took place in July 1944. This event famously established a new, post-war monetary system in which the United States and US dollar became the epicenter of global commerce and finance. What a lot of people don’t know is that a sort of ‘pre-conference’ took place the month before, in June 1944, in Atlantic City. That site was chosen specifically for its cooler weather. British economist John Maynard Keynes suffered from a terrible infection in his heart valves, and hot weather made him feel much worse. Keynes even pleaded to senior Treasury official Harry Dexter White, “For God’s sake do not take us to Washington. . .” where the weather was sweltering in the summer. In the end they settled on Atlantic City, specifically for Keynes’s health. And the first meeting to shape the new global financial system even took place on the beach! Despite the balmy setting, however, Keynes was a thorn in the side of the American delegation; he was adamantly opposed to a post-war economic system in which the US dollar had total dominance. As an alternative solution, Keynes advocated for competing reserve currencies… as well as a special central bank reserve currency that he wanted to call the ‘bancor’. In the end, though, Keynes was overruled. The United States was the only country capable of calling the shots, and the rest of the world accepted America’s new dominance. It’s been this way for the past 80 years. Even today, the US dollar continues to be used for the the majority of cross border trade, foreign reserves, and international financial transactions. But as I have written many times before, this status is not written in stone. And it’s beginning to change very rapidly. One very recent development is that, in China, the yuan just overtook the US dollar as the most widely used currency for international trade. China has essentially been the manufacturer to the world for decades and does business with nearly every country on the planet. Yet, up until last month, most of China’s trade was conducted in US dollars. If a Chinese manufacturer sold machinery to a Brazilian company, for example, or if a Chinese producer bought cobalt from Indonesia, those transactions traditionally took place in US dollars. Over time, however, China has been gradually using its own currency for trade. And other countries have been happy to go along. So now, for example, China might buy cobalt from Indonesia using yuan instead of US dollars. This means that other countries will start holding more and more yuan to trade with China… and hence fewer and fewer US dollars. This is not an accident. Back in 1944, the US was very aggressive in whipping the rest of the world into accepting the US dollar. China is following the same playbook-- aggressively rallying other countries against the US dollar and towards the yuan. And it’s really becoming obvious. After a recent visit to China, French President Macron urged Europe to move towards independence from US foreign policy, and to rely less on the US dollar. France... which is literally America’s oldest ally, one of the largest economies in Europe, and a key leader of the European Union, is pushing against the dollar. In addition, China and France recently completed their first yuan-settled LNG (liquified natural gas) trade. Again, this shows a shift from France solely using the US dollar for foreign trade, to also using the yuan. Just before that, China and the United Arab Emirates made history with the first ever LNG trade settled in yuan. Then Brazil and China reached a deal to ditch the US dollar and trade in their own currencies. Malaysia’s Prime Minister has proposed an “Asian Monetary Fund” to reduce dependence on the US dollar. Malaysia also struck a deal with India to trade in the Indian rupee. India and Russia are settling oil deals without US dollars. Then there is “BRICS”— Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa which account for about 40% of the global population and a quarter of the global economy. At a Bretton Woods-esque summit planned for this summer, BRICS will discuss creating a new currency, potentially pegged to gold, which they can use to trade. Most importantly, Saudi Arabia is open to breaking the petrodollar and to start selling oil in yuan; on top of this, Saudi’s crown prince recently stated that he was “no longer interested in pleasing the US”. The pace at which countries are turning away from the US dollar reminds me of the Hemingway line about going broke: “gradually, then suddenly.” I’ve been warning readers about the decline of the dollar’s reserve status for over a decade. And it may have seemed controversial back then that the dollar could be dethroned. Now it is blatantly obvious. This is no longer a prediction, it’s happening in front of our very eyes." Here's more on the movement away from the U.S dollar in an article from April 2023: What does this all mean? The printing of money out of thin air is coming to an end, and the new era of asset backed currencies around the world will be ushered in. It's already under way. This puts all countries on a level playing field, no more currency manipulation, and no more exchange rate disparagement that creates poverty in many countries around the world. People wouldn't have to leave there home country if it was prosperous, and wealthier countries wouldn't have to deal with the overwhelming issues of mass immigration. The printing of money that's backed by nothing (debt based) has created mass inflation that will only get worse if this system continues. The system is broken and grinding to a halt. The effects of this debt based system is now being felt in the banks with many of them failing and many more on the verge of it: Back in March when Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) failed, the media went on a calming blitz to ensure the public this was a "one-off" and the FDIC has it covered. There were analysts that didn't share the same sediment. Here was one in particular that appeared on CNBC's "Closing Bell" A few days later, the Wall St. Journal reported that 186 banks could suffer the same fate as SVB.. ... which the prompted people to start looking in to the FDIC and what it can really handle. Turns out it can't handle 186 failures: Look closely, the FDIC balance sheet shows $125 Billion in the fund, securing $9.9 Trillion of deposits. And it turns out it's not 186 banks that are in trouble as reported in March - it's 2000 banks now as reported in May. The complete article is here: People are withdrawing cash at records rates from the banks: And Biden is threatening a freeze on withdrawals: The complete article is here: Despite all this, the talking heads keep pushing the narrative that the stock markets will keep going up - just like they did in October 2008 right up to the Friday before everything crashed on Monday. They ignore all the signs, but not everyone does: In addition Edward Dowd is a former Blackrock portfolio manager who now reports on all the corruption and manipulation in the financial system. He wrote this in April:“This started in 2019. There was a repo crisis – overnight lending rates exploded and the system was coming down then. Luckily for the system Covid came along and allowed Central Banks and politicians to spend unprecedented amounts of money and that saved the system, until now. What we are seeing going on was baked into the cake – it’s a global sovereign debt collapse. In November 2022 we saw something happen that hasn’t happened since 1930. The money supply (M2) year-over-year growth rate went below zero. This is the fifth time it has happened and the previous four times since 1868, have been associated with financial panics. Here we are, the Wall Street Journal is fomenting bank runs by reporting 186 of them are in trouble. We’re watching Japan. We’re watching China. This is going to spread around the globe. Look, I don’t want to be a doomsdayer but this is beyond everyone’s control, including the FED and the US Treasury. We’re at the end and it’s imploding on itself. The release valve for all this debt is going to be a currency issue and a global sovereign debt default. So currency wars are coming.” Take a look again at that last line again - currency issue and currency wars coming. Asset backed currency for countries is not a new idea. It's just here now. Currency backed by something tangible - an asset - which could be water, timber, precious metals, something a country manufactures no one else does, the GDP of that country - there are many things that can back a countries currency. In the U.S., the new currency will be a "Treasury Reserve Note" backed by gold. All current "Federal Reserve Notes" will be exchanged 1 for 1 for the new notes. The new currency will not run on the old "SWIFT" system but on the new "Quantum Financial System". What Is the QFS? Everything will be going Quantum:The system is space based and it’s tied to the Blockchain: Quantum Computers Quantum Phones Quantum Financial System Quantum Health Care Quantum Voting Quantum Coins Quantum Internet Here's a look at the Quantum Phone already being manufactured: Wells Fargo has been on the forefront of converting to the QFS ahead of all other banks: And BRICS is no joke: Right now, 40 Countries refuse to use the USD. 81 Countries are headed to a conference in June for a gold standard return. 25+ States are introducing gold/silver as legal tender 142 countries will simultaneously dump the USD. Here in the U.S., the States are preparing to be there own entity with their own currency. Here are a few of the 25 already on board, some have been in position for years waiting for this moment: Do you ever wonder what will happen to gold and silver prices with all this happening? In addition, look at why gold and silver prices have been suppressed over the years: The system is changing, and we're headed to a great place. If you want to stay in touch with all that was covered here and more, the best place to go is the X22 Report. It will give you a daily brief on what's really going on. Here's an episode from the 15th - it's a good one. X22 Report: Remember if you're getting tired of being part of a major historical event, just know in the end you won't care how long you had to wait. Greatness is coming. Keep your spirits up and pray for the ones fighting behind the scenes for us!
5/23/2023 08:42:54 pm
There is no white hat operation to save America, I hope you understand that. Most Christians have been utterly decieved by movies, and shows and pastors etc to believe a fake interpretation of Revelation and other books. Revelation isnt just the end time events, its all human history from the time Jesus gave it to John. THe white horse is the spreading and conquering roman empire followed by the horses showings its downfall, the last event in Revelation was the invasion of Gog and Magog into the holy land when the Euphrates dried up, if you read the old testament youll know that water represents peoples and tongues and nations, the euphrates is referring to the Ottoman Empire which fell making way for the Kings of the East (fake khazar jews who originate from Eastern Europes kingdom of kazaria) to invade the holy land which they did when they created Israel. The next event is a nuclear war as described in the 7th bowl of Gods wrath. I hope we both find understanding, and I pray to our powerful Messiah Jesus Christ to free our minds and give us the truth. I think I have it and I Hope you get it too, if I dont i Hope i get it
5/25/2023 01:44:28 pm
Thanks for your comment, Paul. I don’t really know about the white hats, I don’t see them in Scripture either, but they are apparently the good guys, modern-day cowboys if you will.
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